
Dreams: As Simple as That Part 2

Reality is Relative just as the Dreams are Deceptive! - Me, This Time Also! Welcome to the Continuation of the Previous Article on Dreams and things are Pretty much Linked here so don't skip things and jump here! If not follow up here  Dreams:As Simple as That Part 1 DREAM THEORIES I'll list out some Dream and Sleep theories that I have come across and somehow I find them interesting. The very first one is my own theory and involves Science and maybe Quantum Physics. Assuming brain to be a system that keeps the arrangement of electrons or smaller particles, where quantum mechanics will have a brighter part to play, to store the memories in them, there is a possibility of explaining the Déjà vu using the theory. The Quantum Time Splicing effect has some effect on the present due to its Future and thus for the same reason it forces the memory pattern to tune in to that particular form that will be true in the future and if due to low energy states of

Dreams: As Simple as That Part 1

Dreams are there for a Reason, beyond the scope of Understanding of God himself! - Me (Sypher) Don't take the Quote too serious if you are a Believer of Science and not God. I'm trying to prove the same thing that there are some concepts beyond the reach of God also (if exists) and quite soluble by Science. Okay, quotes apart, the topic is "Dreams: As Simple as That", seems quite simple and straight forward, right? I don't think so because in this post I'll try prove the topic into an Oxymoron where Dreams are never Simple! I broke up the Content into 2 parts so that it becomes much more distinguishable and easy to understand. The post contains the use of ‘maybe’ or similar words just to indicate the possibility but symbolizes a ‘sure’ event for me to proceed further. Dreams have a really close connection with Memories and as expected we will start from basics to grasp the whole conjecture (as of now). So, the definition of memory is

Quantum Quantum Everywhere

Quantum Quantum Everywhere Nor a Quantum to Glimpse!  Quantum, the word itself gives a heavy mass to the Topic! isn't it? Maybe a big 'Yes' for the common people but it means a lot more than a complex word for people like me. Maybe 'you' as well. I'll try my very best to explain the 'Mind Wobbling' terms in the Simplest of languages. Quantum Mechanics, primarily deals with the events that take place at microscopic levels, or can say at microscopic levels of Microscopes. The measurements are within Nano meters. To give a precise idea about the Measurement, let me give a pictorial idea. Degree of Measurement Going deeper into the meaning, 'Quantum' means small packets of something (not packets of Lays, of course), which cannot be differentiated further. So, I'm going to brief you about something which sounded really fascinating the time I came across the phenomenon. It is known as 'Quantum Tunneling'. The most

A New Perspective

A NEW PERSPECTIVE "When Time is Never ready to Wait for us, then Why should we always Wait for the Right Time!"      "A New Perspective", No friends we won't end up explaining its grammatical significance after all but will directly boost through to the actual Topic. Today we will ponder upon the different possibilities that the Science even needs time to Proof! But we don't need proofs to discuss about the former.      The first thing where I would like you to concentrate is the phenomenon where most of the things has its Negative counter parts . This can be observed quite easily as charges, motions, forces,etc are the best examples. Let me tell you that my Physics teacher, whom I acknowledge greatly now as well, who sparked my mind into Physics once told that these things can be abruptly connected to Philosophical concepts as well like Love has Hatred as its Counter part, Happiness and Sadness form another pair. This may sound quite absurd for a

Quantum Foam

NOTHING IS AS SMOOTH AS IT APPEARS! I think nature's imagination is so much greater than man's, she's never going to let us relax  - Richard Feynman  A Merry Christmas to every Atheist in advance and Happy Winter Vacations to those who are believers of Holidays like me! "Nothing is as Smooth as it Appears!" as the title of this post reads out, doesn't convey a lecture on 'Philosophy of Life' as it appears, but is an onset of a very mysterious and interesting Cosmological concept, that seems to be gripping on the Reality! Quantum Foam It particularly deals with "Quantum Foam". So, let me ask one question, Is the Empty space really Empty? "Yes" as the established science speaks, it is devoid of anything, not even the so called 'Luminiferous ether' is present there. But, it is not so satisfying looking at a quiet space and no imaginable disruptions! So, ' Quantum Mechanics ' came out with a new conc


GIVING A THRUST TO CURIOSITY I WOULD RATHER HAVE QUESTIONS THAT CAN'T BE ANSWERED THAN ANSWERS THAT CAN'T BE QUESTIONED                                                                                       -RICHARD FEYNMAN  Starting off with a great Quote by one of Revolutionary Physicists in the Modern era of Technology. As emphasized by our above Quoted Legend, 'Questioning is more important than the Answer itself' as it opens a new door to Possibilities! Working on the possibilities and giving proper explanation can be regarded as major leap but trusting your viewpoint as the only possibility is a major setback in development process! Our past has shown some of the worst consequences of the former Mindset. The era when nobody could question the wrong and blind assumptions of the Church, Sir Galileo Galilee believed in himself and his Scientific approach and was later proved absolutely correct. Just imagine a situation where nobody questioned Sir Is