Dreams: As Simple as That Part 2

Reality is Relative just as the Dreams are Deceptive!

- Me, This Time Also!

Welcome to the Continuation of the Previous Article on Dreams and things are Pretty much Linked here so don't skip things and jump here!
If not follow up here Dreams:As Simple as That Part 1


I'll list out some Dream and Sleep theories that I have come across and somehow I find them interesting.

The very first one is my own theory and involves Science and maybe Quantum Physics. Assuming brain to be a system that keeps the arrangement of electrons or smaller particles, where quantum mechanics will have a brighter part to play, to store the memories in them, there is a possibility of explaining the Déjà vu using the theory.

The Quantum Time Splicing effect has some effect on the present due to its Future and thus for the same reason it forces the memory pattern to tune in to that particular form that will be true in the future and if due to low energy states of the particles, maybe during sleep, we have the largest possibility of transferring that memory into present. Consequently, when the event actually reaches the present, you feel that it had happened to me before! This can also explain Mandela effect which is explained in following parts

During a sleep, our soul detaches from the body and enters another dimension and sets out to roam and discover new things. Indian mythology denotes the same phenomenon as 'bhraman' (roaming) and in the time slot of 'Bhramma muhrat' (Bhramma being the Indian God). If you know the story of Ramanujan, you can deduce the results very well. He says that the mathematical results are not his own creation but is the gift from God. He explained that Goddess in his dreams discloses the very famous equations presented by Ramanujan and is quite a good explanation of the reason why he doesn't have proofs from them. If you haven't watched it yet, go fetch some time and use it for the movie 'The Man who knew Infinity'.

Ever wondered why do you see a new or unknown person in your dreams? The brain, which struggles so much finding a new color and imagining a new face or person can’t be so easy! There’s one more survey that showed that many people saw the same unknown person in their dreams upon sketching face. But, how’s that possible? The same unknown person? Weird, isn’t it? We’ll get back to it trying to give a possible answer to that.

Another question lies within the existence of lucid dreams now, where we have control over our Dreams. How can it be related to the above concept? If you can use the simple logic, how about Meditation? It is nothing but controlling our mind (or soul) into the thought that we want.

Now getting to the possible Solutions for the above problems. String theory, which tries unifying every law and theory into a same framework proves that the Relativity equations can be generated when we supply 10 dimensions to it. So, we have to deal with the extra 7 dimensions now! But, we don’t see them anywhere like we see the 3 spacial dimensions in everyday life. The link lies in the fact that those dimensions are inter-wined and so small that we can’t perceive it. For example, look at a straw, when you look at it very closely, you’ll observe it by be cylindrical but as you move farther, it will become a 1 dimensional object soon. Due to the scale factor we have, it looks that we have lost 2 dimensions already into the thread but it is always there and it is same for other dimensions also. It is hidden somewhere among the others.


So, we can say we have some extra dimensions to deal with now. So, rather than leaving them to serve no purpose let’s use them to explain some abnormalities of our world. It can be very convincing that the world that resides within those remaining dimensions is the world that we encounter in our Dreams, maybe afterlife as well. We may end up into that dimensions during our dreams and face each other there. The strangers are all those who are also dreaming and are there actually and encounter each other as strangers. If we assign dreams as a physical space (invisible in our world) we can explain why the same person appears in everyone’s dream because he is actually there interacting with them in their dreams. If you’re smart enough you can relate it to Dark Matter and Dark Energy as well and answer the missing matter and energy. Think about it!

Can Science somehow explain Déjà vu in this similar fashion? Let’s try that. There is a theory in which it is stated that there are Multiverses that vibrate at different frequencies that lies within the 'String theory'. Whenever we encounter a match in the frequency of different Universes and any of them is running ahead of time then you just see the reality of a Timeline ahead of you and your thoughts tune in just a radio tunes the source Frequency and hence you see what happens to you in parallel universe that is ahead of you w.r.t. time.


Now, if I connect the conjecture to the Memory concept, you may know about the ‘Mandela effect’, that can be very accurately explained using this theory. So, what actually Mandela effect is a collection of false memory that a very big percentage of population believes/believed. Like, from where the name originated, Nelson Mandela was believed to be dead long back in Prison in South Africa substantiated with clips and News but it shocked thousands when the news went out of the Newsroom that Nelson Mandela was dead (once again) on December 5th, 2013. This was a shock to me as well, as I believed and perhaps once read that he was dead whenever I came to know about him for the first time. So, here is the origin of the name.

Now, for the relation part, the incidents of Mandela effect maybe a real incident in any of the Parallel Universes and once the frequency matches it can transfer the memory pattern in our brains resulting in the memory that occurred somewhere but not here.

One more theory exists explaining the strange incidents that sounds more futuristic and motivating to me. Mandela may have died actually, much before 2013 but a successful time travel incident that was an attempt to save him from his death can lead to an alternate timeline where he is not dead. The memories must have survived the timeline shift where the present is an alternative but the past converges to the same point and hence we have memories of an incident that never occurred (at least in our present timeline).

This is not just a Random thought but can be a part of Reality as well and maybe Reality itself. So, don't just stop yourselves by reading this, try involving by presenting your ideas and evidences to the theory. Sharing your own experience will help everyone unveil some part of the Reality as well! 

Without mentioning a particular name, the Article is Incomplete who helped a lot with the Prevailing Theories on Dreams, it is SPM (as what we call him)! 



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