Dreams: As Simple as That Part 1

Dreams are there for a Reason, beyond the scope of Understanding of God himself!

- Me (Sypher)

Don't take the Quote too serious if you are a Believer of Science and not God. I'm trying to prove the same thing that there are some concepts beyond the reach of God also (if exists) and quite soluble by Science. Okay, quotes apart, the topic is "Dreams: As Simple as That", seems quite simple and straight forward, right? I don't think so because in this post I'll try prove the topic into an Oxymoron where Dreams are never Simple!

I broke up the Content into 2 parts so that it becomes much more distinguishable and easy to understand. The post contains the use of ‘maybe’ or similar words just to indicate the possibility but symbolizes a ‘sure’ event for me to proceed further.

Dreams have a really close connection with Memories and as expected we will start from basics to grasp the whole conjecture (as of now). So, the definition of memory is 'It is a change to a system that alters the way that the system works in future'. Pretty open definition and applies to all. Don't connect it the registers or something if you're a CSE student. But, we will take its special case that applies to Humans. Image a situation, there is a child who is curious about the world and in his attempt he tries to touch a 'griddle' or a pan placed in Kitchen. As soon as he touches the griddle he gets a burn due to its Hotness and of course cries a lot because of that. but now onwards, every time the kid goes near the griddle, he keeps him away from it very cautiously. So, here is the memory that reminded him his last result on that certain action and responses accordingly this time. This was a practical example from my childhood only.

So, what are they basically made up of? It is nothing but a complex connection between the synapses or maybe electrons in your Brain and that is very dynamic. It changes every second with every new information you receive.


We'll discuss something that will appear to be quite off-topic as of now but don't worry, I'll connect it to my deductions. Physicists have very recently discovered a new state of matter, namely the ‘Time Crystals’. They exist in form of repeating patterns w.r.t. time. Physicists first thought that at the condition where the energy of the system is reduced to zero, there will be no motion among the particles but they were wrong. Even having zero energy they couldn’t stop the motion. Instead they found the repeating nature of the lattice structure with a minimum ground state energy with the condition that no energy can be taken out of it.

But, why? We have the 0K condition where everything should stop due to lack of any energy but it doesn’t happen! Even if there is a bare minimum energy, it can still transmit some energy because of its time repeating motion as after all, motion = energy. There’s a proposed theory for that by the name ‘Quantum Time Splicing Effect’. A particle has some roots with its past and future and if stated more concretely, with ‘Time’. Hence, a system of particle lends some of its own energy from its past and future never running out of Energy. In addition, we can’t squeeze out any energy from that because practically it is never there at that point of time but somewhere from different timeline. The splicing effect of energy must be something similar to a normal curve that symbolizes the fact that the near past and future has more effect on the present compared to the distant past or future. In addition to that, Quantum Mechanics also says that the stomach ache you have today maybe the reason of the pizza you’ll eat tomorrow instead of past incidents. This was just an example to explain the time dependence. The theory must be mathematically proven as well and I’m on it!

The Graphical Representation of Quantum Time Splicing Effect

Integral State Diagram

As a Request, I recommend you to continue with the Part 2 of the Article so as to continue the Flow.



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