Quantum Quantum Everywhere

Quantum Quantum Everywhere
Nor a Quantum to Glimpse! 

Quantum, the word itself gives a heavy mass to the Topic! isn't it? Maybe a big 'Yes' for the common people but it means a lot more than a complex word for people like me. Maybe 'you' as well. I'll try my very best to explain the 'Mind Wobbling' terms in the Simplest of languages.

Quantum Mechanics, primarily deals with the events that take place at microscopic levels, or can say at microscopic levels of Microscopes. The measurements are within Nano meters. To give a precise idea about the Measurement, let me give a pictorial idea.

Degree of Measurement

Going deeper into the meaning, 'Quantum' means small packets of something (not packets of Lays, of course), which cannot be differentiated further. So, I'm going to brief you about something which sounded really fascinating the time I came across the phenomenon. It is known as 'Quantum Tunneling'.

The most fascinating thing about 'Quantum Tunneling' is that if compare it with classical Physics, you'll break your head giving an answer to the very question "But How?". So, my sincere advice is to understand it first as a fiction with open mind and then slowly understand "How?". Okay, think of an real life situation. A cubical block is lying on a side of a Wall and we are interested in taking it to the other side of Wall. How will you do that? Classical physics will give the same answer that you'll give. "Take the Block to the other side over the Wall. It's like push the block above the boundary of wall and push it forward to the other side" and that's a pretty safe and convincing answer! But, my other Genius friend, 'Quantum Mechanics' don't like so simple answers and responds that, "Why to waste time to transport it to another side over the Wall, Take it directly through it!". Don't be surprised, you read it right! 'Through the Wall'! Yes, I was also surprised to know that. But, Quantum Mechanics poses a new solution to the problem.

Does it cost something to the object for using this Freeway? The answer is 'Yes'. It loses some of its Energy during the process of penetration. So, the energy will be much less when the objects reappear on the other side of the Barrier. The chances of penetration is much higher when the thickness of wall decreases. So, make the wall very thin and try moving through it, you may not know, when you appear on the other side creating History!

But, this possibility is very likely to occur only for very small objects like electron and other atomic sized objects. The probability factor for this phenomenon to occur for relatively large objects is less but not zero as well. Just have an idea of the applications it can provide if somehow it can be applied to ourselves or objects we can see with naked eyes!

Many Physics Enthusiasts must have already read about the phenomenon but the part they missed is the implications it can make on the Real world using its Virtuality! Lets think, maybe Magicians will be much more common in future using this Trick! Maybe doors will be out of use or even out of Architectural design if we can go in and come out of our Walls of House like Vision in Marvel Avengers! But, beware of Thieves! Cricket will be difficult as pace bowlers can very well make the ball penetrate directly through the bat with this Phenomenon! You can very well give many other applications of this Feature in the Comments!

Okay, this was the creative part but I really want to know if you have any kind of theory or idea about 'How to apply this phenomenon on large objects'? At least to some size range of Sand grains. The scope for discussion is always open for this topic using the comments or using the email ID. Keep thinking & start questioning yourselves as well as me in any case! Soon coming down with more Interesting Topics and Discussion!



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