A New Perspective


"When Time is Never ready to Wait for us, then Why should we always Wait for the Right Time!"
     "A New Perspective", No friends we won't end up explaining its grammatical significance after all but will directly boost through to the actual Topic. Today we will ponder upon the different possibilities that the Science even needs time to Proof! But we don't need proofs to discuss about the former.

     The first thing where I would like you to concentrate is the phenomenon where most of the things has its Negative counter parts. This can be observed quite easily as charges, motions, forces,etc are the best examples. Let me tell you that my Physics teacher, whom I acknowledge greatly now as well, who sparked my mind into Physics once told that these things can be abruptly connected to Philosophical concepts as well like Love has Hatred as its Counter part, Happiness and Sadness form another pair. This may sound quite absurd for a Physics Admirer to note such things but for sure it triggered a concept in my mind that can lead to many Inventions!

Image result for gravitational force equation     You would have read about the Four Fundamental Forces in nature, but ever wondered why the Gravitational Force is the only force which is Non-Negative Force, i.e it is always Attractive. Why Gravitational Force never repels two objects? It should behave same as that of Electrostatic Force where like charges Repel each other. The Equation for the Gravitational force leads to the conclusion that we need a negative mass to exist for having a repulsive Gravitational Force. The point of having a negative length is ruled out because of the fact that the length term is a square term and getting a negative term with square term is impossible. One question that my mind even questioned me during the thought is "What is the need of  a 'Negative Mass' ?" Let us try to find an Answer.

     Imagine you are given a task to dig a hole on a flat surface using a Shovel. What you'll do is dig the earth out of the desired spot and you're done. But did you make really make a hole only? If you look closely, you will notice that with the hole, you also created a small mountain of mud!

     The larger hole you make, the larger mountain you make! Hence this can be again visualized that if you wish to mix the mountain and the hole, it will again lead you to the flat surface and that is into 'Nothing' again! So, moving into some physics related examples we encounter charges, where equal amount of opposite charges will result into 'No Charge' and this explains that if we want to create anything out of nothing, we need to make equal and opposite magnitude of the desired material. 
If you create a hole on a 3D surface, you'll make a pair of paraboloids

     Since, Gravitational Force is the only force that deals with Large Scale objects like Galaxies and Universe, this may be the reason that the repulsive force never caused any collision of another Universe with that of ours! There may be a different universe that is made up of Negative mass altogether.

     Why only mass, why not time? Okay, 'time' is something that 'amateurs' use to proof anything that seems illogical to them and 'professionals' fear of even knowing about it properly. So, I would be talking about it as a Mediocre. Time is always seen as a smooth straight flowing stream where even the Birth and Death of Gods are specified. It is something that has no beginning and no ending. But, nothing is Immortal, right? So, how can it be justified on time itself?

     Time also started the moment, our Universe witnessed the Big Bang. So, like everything it can also be put under the Two - magnitudes principle. Either the negative time fully exist into another universe that was born with our Universe that we will discuss in subsequent posts, or maybe it exists as a mixture of particles that causes different motions at atomic levels or smaller! Example time. Watch a video of a revolving electron around a nucleus clockwise. When the video is over try rewinding it. You'll see an anti-clockwise revolving motion of the electron. The time flows in negative direction here but the output is a familiar motion. This concludes the possibility of existence of negative time streams that we think it of a different kind of motion but is a negative counterpart. 

     Clockwise and Anti Clockwise motions are same but opposite in magnitudes. So, we've got one more thought to ponder upon. Be confident enough to share your thoughts with me and contribute towards the development of the theory. Coming up soon with more Interesting theories! Stay tuned!



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