
Showing posts from January, 2019

Dreams: As Simple as That Part 2

Reality is Relative just as the Dreams are Deceptive! - Me, This Time Also! Welcome to the Continuation of the Previous Article on Dreams and things are Pretty much Linked here so don't skip things and jump here! If not follow up here  Dreams:As Simple as That Part 1 DREAM THEORIES I'll list out some Dream and Sleep theories that I have come across and somehow I find them interesting. The very first one is my own theory and involves Science and maybe Quantum Physics. Assuming brain to be a system that keeps the arrangement of electrons or smaller particles, where quantum mechanics will have a brighter part to play, to store the memories in them, there is a possibility of explaining the Déjà vu using the theory. The Quantum Time Splicing effect has some effect on the present due to its Future and thus for the same reason it forces the memory pattern to tune in to that particular form that will be true in the future and if due to low energy states of

Dreams: As Simple as That Part 1

Dreams are there for a Reason, beyond the scope of Understanding of God himself! - Me (Sypher) Don't take the Quote too serious if you are a Believer of Science and not God. I'm trying to prove the same thing that there are some concepts beyond the reach of God also (if exists) and quite soluble by Science. Okay, quotes apart, the topic is "Dreams: As Simple as That", seems quite simple and straight forward, right? I don't think so because in this post I'll try prove the topic into an Oxymoron where Dreams are never Simple! I broke up the Content into 2 parts so that it becomes much more distinguishable and easy to understand. The post contains the use of ‘maybe’ or similar words just to indicate the possibility but symbolizes a ‘sure’ event for me to proceed further. Dreams have a really close connection with Memories and as expected we will start from basics to grasp the whole conjecture (as of now). So, the definition of memory is