
Showing posts from July, 2018

Quantum Quantum Everywhere

Quantum Quantum Everywhere Nor a Quantum to Glimpse!  Quantum, the word itself gives a heavy mass to the Topic! isn't it? Maybe a big 'Yes' for the common people but it means a lot more than a complex word for people like me. Maybe 'you' as well. I'll try my very best to explain the 'Mind Wobbling' terms in the Simplest of languages. Quantum Mechanics, primarily deals with the events that take place at microscopic levels, or can say at microscopic levels of Microscopes. The measurements are within Nano meters. To give a precise idea about the Measurement, let me give a pictorial idea. Degree of Measurement Going deeper into the meaning, 'Quantum' means small packets of something (not packets of Lays, of course), which cannot be differentiated further. So, I'm going to brief you about something which sounded really fascinating the time I came across the phenomenon. It is known as 'Quantum Tunneling'. The most